best mobiles under 325 jod in jordan

Are you searching for best mobile its price arround 325 jod you will find in this page the best phones above and under 325 jod in jordan - the number of smartphones in this price category is: 3 smartphone

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For prices in stores and different versions

The version with following specs

Ram: 8 GB

Internal Memory: 256 GB

Color: Green

Other Specs: 5G and Dual Sim

315 jod339-7%price history ?

The version with following specs

Ram: 8 GB

Internal Memory: 256 GB

Color: White

Other Specs: 5G and Dual Sim

315 jod339-7%price history ?

The version with following specs

Ram: 8 GB

Internal Memory: 256 GB

Color: Black

Other Specs: 5G and Dual Sim

315 jod339-7%price history ?

The version with following specs

Ram: 8 GB

Internal Memory: 256 GB

Color: All Colors

Other Specs: 5G and Dual Sim

315 jod339-7%price history ?
315 jod2995%price history ?
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samsung galaxy a54 all specs
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